This product uses microprocessor technology with digital addressing. It features a non-breakable plastic casing and is hammerless, making it safe to operate and easy to reset. It is designed for indoor applications.
Input Voltage:24VDC[16V to 28V]
Current consumption:Standby :0.65mA,Alarm:1.00mA
Protocol/Addressing:T&A, Value range from 1 to 254
Alarm LED/Steady On-when pressed
Periodically flash during patrol inspection Flashing cycle: about 6s
Tel LED/Periodically flash when connected to the telephony Bus flashing cycle: about 14s
Material/ Colour:ABS /RED
Dimension:90 mm x 90 mmx34 mm
Weight:93g(with Base)
Printer:Minitype thermo-sensitive printer
Weight:93g (with Base)
Operating Temperature:-10°Cto +55°C
Ingress Protection Rating:IP43
Humidity:0 to 95% Relative HumidityNon condensing